By Kelly J Richardson MEd
Touch for Health offers many advantages for high performance athletes. The various benefits include improved performance, enhanced recovery, reduction of pain, and increased flexibility. Josiah Richardson has firsthand experience with the benefits that come from Touch for Health in his athletic career.

Josiah is the son of Bio-Energetic Kinesiologist Kelly Richardson. Through out his life, he has been exposed to the benefits of kinesiology through his mother. At a young age, kinesiology was used to help him overcome autism. When he got into football and wrestling, kinesiology was used to help him recover faster from injuries and increase much needed flexibility.
In the past two years, Josiah has become known for his power lifting accomplishments. He holds 1 world record and 8 national records in drug tested meets. As of December 2022, at age 20, Josiah’s records include the following: 611 lbs Squat; 408 lbs Bench; 777lbs Deadlift with a total of 1795 lbs and 502.7 Dot Score.
Josiah is very disciplined in his food prep and training. He is diligent about what he puts into his body and how he treats it. But he also does something that none of the other athletes do. Before each meet, Kelly will do a 14 or 42 muscle balance on him. She may add other things in from Touch for Health to help enhance his performance as well to help him reach his maximum potential. When he is nervous, she helps calm him by doing an emotional stress release balance on him. When there is an imbalance in a particular muscle, nutrition suggestions can be made to help balance out the muscle. During Josiah’s last competition, he cramped while doing a bench lift. Kelly spindled the muscle cells of the muscle that was giving him troubles. He came back and was able to perform his final bench lift and broke a national record in the process.
Touch for Health provides a level of care that is a secret weapon to athletes who choose to utilize it. In the years to come, Touch for Health will be an up-and-coming modality that’ll be used with more and more athletes who are trying to stay on the cutting edge of their sport. Josiah will continue to reach new achievements in his power lifting career, and we are privileged he has included Touch for Health as part of his journey.

About the Article Author: Kelly Richardson is a Bio-Energetic Kinesiologist, Touch for Health Instructor and owner of The Richardson Center for Learning & Wellness in Janesville, Wisconsin. She is currently serving on the TFHKA Board as Vice President. To learn more, or participate in a workshop or session with Kelly, visit