2023 TFHKA Conference Logo

50th Annual Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Conference

April 2-5th, 2025


The Marina Village | San Diego, California

Join us at the 50th Annual TFHKA Conference

Key Takeaways:

  • Integration and Expansion: Learn how to integrate Touch for Health with other modalities to expand your kinesiology practice and offer comprehensive treatment options.
  • Personalized Approach: Combine Touch for Health with different modalities to create a personalized treatment plan for each client, optimizing outcomes and promoting overall well-being.
  • Professional Growth: Stay updated with the latest research and developments in kinesiology by exploring the integration of Touch for Health into different modalities, fostering continuous professional growth.
  • Collaboration and Networking: Connect with peers in the kinesiology community, sharing experiences and collaborating on innovative approaches that incorporate Touch for Health into various modalities.
  • Empowerment and Success: Gain the knowledge, tools, and strategies to navigate the integration of Touch for Health, enabling you to create your own successful and fulfilling kinesiology practice.
Students, wellness practitioners, and TFH teachers are encouraged to attend. If you are interested in Touch for Health and Energy Kinesiology, this Conference is for YOU!

*All Conference Attendees will have access to the 2025 Conference recordings for 1 year. Maximize your learning experience, by being able to revisit and rewatch presentations as needed to support your knowledge, understanding, and continuing education.



Attend the Main Conference



Speak and Attend the Main Conference



Attend the Proficiency Class

March 31-April 1
Marina Village Conference Center
In person with Arlene Green



If you’re not able to attend the conference in-person, you can join us online using Zoom. This includes replays of all presentations and the conference journal, but does not include CE Credits.



Attend the 50th Anniversary Dinner

Thursday Night, April 3, 2025


Hotel Registration

Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina

Book your room at the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina.


Save some money by staying in one of several other hotels that Marina Village partners with and get a 15% discount

When making your reservation, you MUST MAKE IT KNOWN that you are attending the TFHKA 50th Anniversary at Marina Village. 

Conference Center
Location and Contact Info

Marina Village Conference Center
1936 Quivira Way
San Diego, CA  92109

Phone: 619.222.1620

View on Google Maps



Angelina Bouteloup - Touch for Pets

April 5, 11:30AM-12:00PM

For more than 10 years I have developed kinesiology for stressed animals in France. I was able to adapt the TFH for dogs, horses, cats, cows, goats and sheep. Without using people-transfer, by testing directly on animals and applying the rebalancing points to them . I created cards for the 5 species that I mentioned and I added them to my teaching of Touch For Health. In the form of a 14 “as fix you go”, it’s easy to learn for 1 or 2 levels students.

About the Speaker

I have been a kinesiologist since 2006, and I practice mainly on animals (Dogs, horses, cows, …) especially with Touch For Health. I have developed a method that I call: “Touch For Pets”, I am an instructor in animal kinesiology in several schools, I also run a school in animal kinesiology since 2013, and I am a practitioner on high level horses and riders. (jumping and races)




Junia Chou - Bridge-Walking Fingers

April 2, 4:00-4:50PM

Our fingers are special, they can both detect and clear emotional memories and pain from our minds and bodies. Today, let’s explore the *bridge* where the physical body and emotional body connects, using our fingers. We’ll gain a deeper insight into the emotional cause of the pain. We’ll learn how to detect the hidden “bus stop” pockets of emotions accumulated in the body and energy channels. We’ll explore tangible take-home-friendly techniques to alleviate and release new and old pain.

About The Speaker

Junia Chou is an international speaker and holistic wellness educator and practitioner. Her journey into Touch for Health, Eden Energy Medicine, and Natural Medicine began when her mom – her personal superhero, fell ill. Junia’s mom would joke that she was “Junia’s #1 guinea pig”, as Junia would learn something new, go straight home, and tinker on her. When Junia’s mom could sit, walk, and sleep again, pain-free without medication or surgery, she started proudly telling people (read: anyone who would listen, even at a hair salon or airport), that she is “Junia’s #1 Super Fan”, and encouraged Junia to share her learnings and her heart with the world. Today, Junia enjoys inspiring fun meaningful ways for holistic self-care and self-love in schools and hospitals.


Joy Connor

About the Speaker

Joy is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Touch for Health Instructor/Consultant and Chopra Meditation,
Yoga, Ayurveda Instructor. She also teaches study groups from A Course in Miracles and New Testament and is
developing tools for mind-body-Spirit healing in merging all of these disciplines.

Joy is a teacher and healer, here to love and bless this world. She recently married a friend from high school Sam Gill
(Physical Therapist PhD with 30 years) and they are planning a retreat center with guidance of Spirit at their home
near Chapin, SC.

Alexis Costello - Ten Moons: The Energies of Pregnancy

April 5, 1:30-2:50PM

We will be looking at meridian and 5 element flow during pregnancy for both mother and baby and the Bao Mai channel (which only exists in people with a uterus), and how this energy connects mother and child. While not everyone GATHERED at this congress will ever be pregnant, we all came from a pregnant woman, we were all affected by these flows in utero, and we all have these patterns in our tissues now.

About the Speaker

Founder of GEMS Kinesiology College and Creator of the GEMS courses, Alexis is a barefoot gardening, zouk dancing, book reading, mother of dragons. She has been working in the holistic health field for over 20 years, spending much of that time teaching various modalities of specialized kinesiology / muscle response testing and serving on the Boards of various National and International Associations (CanASK, IASK), currently IKC (International Kinesiology College) Faculty for Costa Rica. She is known best as a SIPS Instructor and is Chief Organization Officer for SIPS Kinesiology International Lld.


Hannah Costello - The Air Element: Holding Space

April 4, 9:00-9:50AM

In Touch for Health we always balance Central and Governing Vessels first to ensure the nervous system and foundational energy are able to flow properly before we start trying to move that energy around. What if we treated this fundamental yin-yang pairing as an element of its own? As the Air Element, CV and GV form the space in which the other elements can play. Air provides the foundation and flow between all the other Elements, keeping everything in its place. By exploring the concept of Air in traditional medicines, we can expand our perspective on these extraordinary vessels, learn how to align and integrate this Element within ourselves, and appreciate the force that gathers our energy together.

About the Speaker

Partner in crime at the GEMS College of Energy Medicine, Hannah Costello is a 22-year-old who has spent over ten years studying specialized kinesiology/muscle response testing. She’s a reading, writing, Dungeons & Dragons playing, homeschooled dork. Her personal goal is to make holistic health known as an empowering, fulfilling, and accessible career and tool for all young people. @QueWhatNow

Hannah teaches the Touch for Health Synthesis, TFH Goal-Setting and Metaphors, and GEMS Flow and Intro to Business, and Elementals. She’s a Learning Facilitator and Youth Mentor for the GEMS College of Energy Medicine, helping those who contact the college find their path.




Arlene Green - How to Motivate Students to Use and Share TFH
April 3, 1:30-2:50PM

Touch for Health was developed for anyone interested in simple, hands-on skills to improve their health and well-being and those of their family, friends and clients. The blueprint of the brilliant 14 muscle/meridian process created by Dr. John Thie is there for the taking, but how do we encourage students to continue to use it once they leave class? This talk will address strategies and techniques to enhance students' enthusiasm and confidence in both using and sharing TFH after TFH 1, and ways we can increase the probability of them being excited to come back for more learning. Participants will engage in some TFH based interactive activities that can be incorporated into classes, at home, work or play. Participants will also do a seated 14 muscle self-balance over how they can enhance their effectiveness in using and sharing TFH.

About the Speaker

Arlene Green, B.S.,LMBT, has been actively teaching TFH classes since 1981. Arlene became TFH Faculty and also PKP Faculty in 1994. Arlene served on the first Board of Directors for TFHKA (1991-1994), and was co executive directors of TFHKA with her husband 2010-2012. Arlene is the author of The Top Ten Pain Releasers, Top Ten Rapid Injury Recovery Techniques for Athletes, Enhancing Athletic Performance, Emotional Repatterning and the Specific Neuromuscular & Energy Reset Technique. Arlene integrates her of love TFH and table tennis and has won silver and gold medals in state and national competition over the past 5 years. She and her husband Larry have been co-directors of the U.S. Kinesiology Training Institute in Chapel Hill, NC for 30 years.


Larry Green - The Structure of Procrastination
April 5, 9:00-9:50AM

Underneath procrastination is a story of trauma, which secretly is hindering your ability to act. This structure has five layers and successfully transforming it requires moving through the layers sequentially. In this talk you will learn about the five layers, how to recognize them and how to successfully unwind them. The skills we have in kinesiology are extremely well suited to help people move through this blockage and into action. Once you understand the structure of procrastination you will be in a great position to help people overcome it.

About the Speaker

Larry Green co-directs the U.S, Kinesiology Training Institute along with his wife Arlene. He is a long time TFH and PKP instructor. In 2005 Larry and Arlene organized the only TFH conference that Dr George Goodheart ever attended. Larry is the creator of a number of kinesiology classes for beginners and professional students including Energy Medicine for Pets, Kinesiology for Horses, The Miracle Workers Training, and The Art of Goal Setting for Touch For Health.


Ruben Degendorfer - The Five Finger Philosophy

April 4, 4:00-4:50PM

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed when trying to figure out the next step toward achieving your long-term goals? The Five Finger Philosophy offers a simple, effective framework to uncover what’s most helpful for you in the present moment.

Each of the five objectives represents a finger, guiding you toward clarity and action. With the help of muscle testing, you can easily identify which “finger” needs attention and dive deeper. Is it about clarifying your goal and breaking it into actionable steps? Or perhaps an unhelpful mindset is standing in your way? Could refining your daily routines bring you closer to consistent progress? Maybe the key lies in better communicating your goals with others?

The Five Finger Philosophy is particularly powerful for turning dreams into reality. It simplifies the process of goal-setting and progress tracking by showing you exactly where to start for maximum impact. Whether you’re looking to gain clarity, align your mindset, or enhance your personal growth, the Five Finger Philosophy helps you take control. After all, the key to success lies in your own hands.

About the Speaker

Ruben Degendorfer is the son of Susanne Degendorfer, co-founder of the IAK Forum International. Growing up immersed in kinesiology, Ruben explored various methods at the IAK before fully focusing on Touch for Health. As a trained actor and singer with the band AHAWA, he combines stage experience with his passion for energy work. Based in Southern Germany, Ruben teaches Touch for Health and runs a German Instagram channel aimed at introducing kinesiology to his generation (ages 25–35).


Michelle Greenwell - The Power Behind our TFH Techniques

April 5, 10:00-11:20AM

Are you fanatical about Touch for Health techniques and muscle monitoring? Have you been trying to share more about the techniques in the program, but fall short of gaining an audience? Do you use all the tools in Touch for Health to their true potential? Do you know the key features of Touch for Health beyond muscle monitoring?

This presentation highlights the dissertation and master’s work of Dr. Michelle Greenwell. Her discovery of the key pieces of Touch for Health knowledge has transformed her self-care, her approach to teaching, the development of her programs, and her ability to share Touch for Health with other audiences.

Are you aware of how the self-responsibility model utilizes the engagement of clients and students to actively use Touch for Health for self-care daily? Perhaps you believe you are engaging a self-responsibility model in a clinical setting. Together we will explore the true value of Touch for Health through the BioEnergetic Wellness Formula, to highlight the key components of Touch for Health to change the face of wellness programs in coming years.

Dr. Greenwell will share how the formula works through a series of exercises to light up the knowledge of Touch for Health and the familiar protocols we all love. As we strive to support growing challenges with mental health, physical disabilities, and low vitality in our communities, she hopes to inspire a new view of how Touch for Health fits into stressful lifestyles.

About the Speaker

Dr. Michelle Greenwell, CIH, is an avid Touch for Health enthusiast who devoted her master’s and doctoral work to understanding the power of the tools within Touch for Health. Her approach to realizing human potential through engagement provides for an experiential experience within her presentations. Understanding the simplicity and whole-body approach to movement, she demonstrates to her audiences the impact of harmony and fluidity when systems are in balance, and the effect it has on movement, posture, awareness, mood, thoughts, decision-making, and vitality. A podcaster, Tai Chi enthusiast, dancer, and tea artist, Michelle views the world through an artistic and creative lens and loves to share the joy of living through a Touch for Health filter with her BioEnergetic Wellness Formula at the forefront.



Amy Hannu - Frequency and Touch For Health
We’re hearing a lot lately of the Hz or frequency healing. In TFH, we don’t “treat”, diagnose or prescribe but when a client comes back to say they’re “healed” after receiving Hz applications in a TFH balance, their words, not mine. In this presentation we’ll discuss the basics of Hz, what is frequency healing, the benefits of it and how it can be incorporated into a TFH session. There are different tools that can be used or implemented in the office as well that we’ll touch on.

Utilizing Hz as a correction in everything from a Fix-As-You-Go session to a one point correction using the Wheel or 5-Elements or as a stand-alone correction similar to ESR or Gaits.

About the Speaker

Amy Hannu grew up seeing a chiropractor who used TFH in most every appointment. While having her family, she brought her children to the same chiropractor who benefited from the TFH incorporated with the chiropractic adjustments.

Given the opportunity to take TFH 1 in 2009, she realized that the “weird” stuff the chiropractor used was TFH and was thrilled to know that she could learn TFH even though she was “just a mom”. In 2010, she became a TFH Instructor and a TFH Chinese 5-Element Metaphor Instructor and has been practicing and teaching it since!

In 2015, Amy joined the TFHKA board and served as VP for one year and president for 5 years. During that time, with the help of the board, the association was put back on solid footing and continues to thrive today.

Throughout the years, Amy has continued to learn by taking classes in Brain Gym, Cranio Somatics, SIPS, Berry’s Body Management, GEMS and more. As a lifelong learner, there’s always a class or two she’s interested in taking.

In addition to a thriving practice and teaching TFH at every opportunity, Amy and her husband Joel own a custom home building business, Hannu Homes and carry a GC license in ID, OR and WA with their home base in Nampa, ID. Amy has found ways to utilize TFH even while building custom homes! In the same way a home depicts a lifestyle, so does TFH.

Brian Haraga - A Unified Approach TFH and Berry's Body Management

April 4, 1:30-2:50PM

I have been gathering together and integrating Touch For Health/Berry’s Body Management for many years as my primary “go-to” modality. When John Thie taught me Touch For Health, he indicated to our class that he always started at the stomach because a majority of his patients had problems engaging the pectorals major clavicular as well as having neck problems.

This is a demonstration to show how the positioning of the stomach can influence other muscles as well as the simple correction technique to help. This demonstrates the interconnectedness of the body and how addressing one area can have positive effects on others.

About the Speaker

Brian’s journey into healing began at just 15 when he started using muscle monitoring for horses. A year later, a serious auto accident left him unable to walk. Thanks to Al Berry’s Body Management work and Brian’s own resilience, he not only regained his mobility but also returned to his passion for rodeo. His work today reflects the profound life lessons he’s learned, as well as his deep understanding of the human and animal body.

As an instructor for Touch For Health, Body Management, Equine/Pet Therapy, Live/Dry Blood Cell Analysis. Brian brings a wealth of knowledge to his practice, seamlessly incorporating a variety of other modalities to help enrich the lives of people and animals. With over 35 years of experience working with both people and animals, Brian has dedicated his career to clinical work in Stettler, Alberta, Canada. He has worked with individuals facing a wide range of diseases, ailments, and for just preventative, offering holistic guidance that spans the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and nutritional aspects of health. Continually learning through his experiences, Brian says, “This healing modality allows me to help people enhance their lives to their full potential in a caring, straightforward manner.”


Payge Hodapp
About the Speaker

TFHKA Instructor/Consultant and Board Member

Payge Hodapp founded Getting Better: Holistic Stress Management and Energy Balancing. She specializes in Eden Energy Medicine, Touch for Health, Acudetox, and Flower Essences.

Payge has been a member of TFHKA since 2005. Prior to that, she was a member of the Kinesiology Federation in the UK where she started her TFH training in 1994. She serves on the TFHKA Board of Directors as Secretary on the Executive Committee.

Anne Jensen - Finding Freedom within the Evidence-Based Paradigm

April 2, 1:30-2:50PM

In this dynamic and interactive presentation, I will delve into the core of evidence-based practice (EBP), critically examining its limitations and exploring innovative ways to transcend these constraints. The goal is to foster a more holistic and integrative approach in health care that not only draws from the best available evidence but also incorporates the practitioner’s expertise and patient preferences.

The session begins with a straightforward explanation of what constitutes EBP and its foundational role in modern healthcare. By addressing its often unacknowledged limitations, I intend to highlight the potential risks of adhering too rigidly to this model, such as the underutilization of intuitive and experiential knowledge that practitioners gather over years of practice.

Further enriching this discussion, I will engage the audience in a live demonstration to explore the mind-body interaction, providing a practical example of how alternative methods can enhance clinical outcomes. This participatory element not only serves to break the monotony of traditional lectures but also provides a firsthand experience of integrating different therapeutic modalities.

Drawing on historical and contemporary examples, such as the revolutionary work of Ignaz Semmelweis and Virginia Apgar, I will discuss how these pioneers of health faced significant opposition due to their unconventional approaches. These narratives underscore the essential role of risk in achieving progress

About the Speaker

Dr Anne Jensen
DC, ICSSD, PGCert, PGDip, MSc, DPhil
Dr Jensen is a forward-thinking healer who earned her PhD in Evidence-based Health Care from the Oxford University. The focus of her research was on the accuracy of muscle response testing (MRT), and her results support the validity of MRT. Her background is in psychology, natural health care, and sports performance, and she has many peer-reviewed publications in these fields. In addition, Dr Jensen is the developer of HeartSpeak, a mindbody therapy, which she teaches worldwide. She is also a healer and maintains a private practice – consulting in stress reduction and emotional and general wellbeing.




Zsuzsanna Koves - 30 Years in the Service of TFH
April 4, 11:30AM-12:00PM

After 2 heart attacks and a tumor surgery, I came across kinesiology, including TFH. After that my life took a 180 degree turn. Thank you TFH!

About the Speaker

Philosopher-teacher; qualified kinesiologist; kinesiologist teacher/instructor; Member of the National Faculty of the EDU-K Foundation in North America, Professional Kinesiology of the IKC, Dean of the Hungarian Professional Kinesiology School

Touch for Health teacher
Touch for Health Metaphoren instructor
Brain Gym teacher
Stress Release advanced instructor
Three in One Concepts advanced teacher
Brain Formatting instructor

I was born on 22 nd January 1952, at 12:19 am.

I first got acquainted with kinesiology in 1994. A year later I obtained an instructor degree in Touch for Health (I completed the Master Class at John F. Thie – founder of Touch for Health) and in One Brain. I became a Brain Gym instructor in 1996, and a Stress Release instructor in 1997. In 1997 I became an advanced One Brain instructor, in 2002 an advanced Stress Release instructor, in 2007 a TFH Metaphoren instructor and in 2008 an advanced EDU-K instructor. I also studied Hyperton-X, LEAP, SIPS, NK, testing primitive reflexes, Astro-kinesiology, Sport Kinesiology, and Biokinesiology. I have taught kinesiology in the Hungary, Russia, and Romania.

I organized three Hungarian congresses, and the International Kinesiology Conference 2001, 2011 held at Kecskemet and 2022 Budapest (Hungary) of which I was the director.

In 2002 I became a member of the Hungarian Examination Board of Kinesiologists.I am a member of the Expert Committee run by the Hungarian Ministry of Health.

Now I am the dean of the Hungarian Professional Kinesiology School.

We founded the Hungarian Kinesiology Foundation in 2016, and I am the chairman of the board of trustees. This year I organized our 8 th conference.

In my work I try to help everyone to become his or her own successful healer. I help them find their own way and I try to achieve that they live life happily. I would like them to be themselves to the highest good of all! I help them to see, not just look.


Adam Lehman - TFH Mastery - Deep Dive into Muscle Response Feedback
April 3, 10:00-11:20AM

In this presentation – based on Adam’s Understanding Muscle Response Feedback virtual training – Adam will share the 4 main factors involved in monitoring any muscle, why they’re important, and how to apply them to any muscle in the body. Adam will demonstrate each of them and apply them to a couple of muscles such that the audience will be able to apply the principles immediately in their own application… whether in practice or as an instructor.

Additionally, Adam will include underlying philosophies, concepts and physiology/neurology to support what he demonstrates.

Participants will immediately benefit from the application of what is being presented. Whether a new student, an experienced practitioner or an instructor, all will be able to apply the concepts and techniques shown toward becoming better, more confident and more consistent in their specific area of application.

About the Speaker 

Adam Lehman is the director of The Institute of BioEnergetic Arts & Sciences, located in Fort Collins, Colorado. Adam has been an instructor and presenter of Energy Kinesiology and related healing arts topics for over 35 years, and continues to be passionate about sharing the work both in the US and internationally. With a broad range of experience and deep understanding of the work, Adam is known for making even the complex topics easy to understand, injected with his own unique sense of humor. Adam has a variety of educational programs available, both live and virtual. Visit the website to join Adam’s mailing list.


Kirsten Liesner - First Step to Become a Hero

April 2, 11:30AM-12:00PM

The first step to become a hero! – How the gaits mechanism supports your progress.

Isn ́t it your wish to become a hero every day again? To get your first or next step to bring Touch for Health and kinesiology into your life and into the world? Where is it important into your life to accept a step backwards as a gift and where do you need to take a step to the right or left in order to think outside the box or avoid a confrontation? And where do you need the courage to take the next step?

This little workshop shows you one way to support your first step to become a hero in everyday life.

You learn something about the developmental steps of a child from crawling, to the bear walk, to pulling ourselves up into a standing position, to walk sideways, to walking straight and standing freely, all the way to the supreme discipline of climbing.

You will get ideas on why it is important to know the development of children and how this knowledge supports yourself and everyone in their development. You will use the (self-)muscle testing or noticing to explore your own stumbling blocks, stagnation and/or regression. And look at how you can support yourself or your client with the gaits and the use of reflex point massage to give youself new impetus to find a new balance, to straighten up, stand up and bravely take the next step to become a hero.

About the Speaker

Kirsten Liesner has been a certified Accompanying Kinesiologist BK DGAK since 2023. She completed her three-year training at the IKL in Damme – Germany. She grew up with kinesiology as a child, as her mother has also been a certified BK DGAK kinesiologist since 2005.

After her studying as a civil engineer from 2013 – 2018 she decided to work in the family company to drying buildings after water damages. But she wants more, so she starts a training as an environmental and adventure educator and in 2020 she begins with the

Kinesiologist training, because she wants to know more techniques to support and self-empowered people in there personal development.

She is young, intelligent and full of enthusiasm for kinesiology. She likes to link things and knowledge together and give her clientes new impetus for everyday life, for a physical, emotional and cognitive balance, for personal development, stress preventation, coaching, health promotion and wellness.

She is a Touch for Health Instructor, BrainGym® Instructor and Developmental Kinesiology Facilitator.

Further information about Kirsten Liesner at Instagram: kirsten_liesner_kinesiologie and about the IKL on the website.


Daria Kovalchuk - Working with the Trauma of Separation in Kinesiology

April 3, 3:00-3:50PM

Why does breaking up hurt so much and what happens in the brain during a breakup? How much psychological-soul pain is real? Why is breaking up easier for some people, more difficult for others, and why do some people experience the trauma of breaking up? How knowledge of psychology and neuroscience can help you cope with the pain of separation through Kinesiology.

What is psycho-emotional trauma? How to distinguish stress from trauma? Criteria for determining Separation Trauma. How to recognize key psychic and energetic deficits in the personality that block the integration of the experience of separation?

A short algorithm for working with Separation Trauma using Kinesiology techniques

Easily integrate the Separation Trauma Protocol into your practice

Quickly identify the key cause of trauma (key deficit)

Quickly and easily distinguish stress from trauma

Quickly learn how to select special acupressure points to correct separation trauma

Working with separation trauma in Kinesiology

How the brain and psyche respond to breakups and how you can help your client integrate the trauma of a breakup using kinesiology techniques

About the Speaker 

Director of the Institute of NeuroEnergetic Kinesiology (Australia) in Ukraine and the Baltics. Senior Teacher of the international program for training of Kinesiologists: “practitioner of Kinesiology Basic level”, teacher of advanced courses in Kinesiology, Master’s degree in psychology, teacher of psychology at the university, completed postgraduate studies, continues to work on research in the subject of Kinesiology and psychology. She has been teaching various disciplines of psychology in higher education for more than 5 years. In private institutes she has taught psychosomatics and bodymind therapy. Currently she teaches in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Australia, USA, Hong Kong and Baltic countries.

She has written a number of her own courses on kinesiology work with personality disorders in 6 parts, as well as courses on working with trauma.

Speaker at international conferences on Psychology and Kinesiology

Practical experience 12 years, teaching 10 years


John Maguire - Hypothalamic Set Points: Ways to Get Profound Results
April 3, 4:00-4:50PM


1. Know how to test and use the beginning and end points on the face to relieve pain

2. Know how to test and use these points to correct nutritional sensitivities

3. Know how to test and use these points to relieve emotional stress

4. Know how to test and use these points to correct meridian imbalances

5. Know how to test and use these points to balance brain chemistry and alleviate fear, anxiety, and insomnia


John will show you how to use the beginning and end points of meridians on the face to relieve pain, correct nutritional sensitivities, relieve emotional stress, correct meridian/muscle imbalances, and balance brain chemistry to alleviate fear, anxiety, and insomnia.

Dr. Sheldon Deal says that when all else fails, use these points to correct whatever imbalance or condition you are trying to correct.

About the Speaker

John Maguire is the founder and director of the Kinesiology Institute, Over the past 43 years, he has taught over 100,000 people from 93 countries.

He studied extensively with Dr. George Goodheart and worked closely with Dr. John Thie as his chiropractic assistant and head Instructor Trainer of the Touch for Health Foundation. John taught the first Touch for Health Instructor Training Workshop in Italy and Russia.

Since 1994, John has presented Touch for Health at Tony Robbins Life Mastery University, where his students are continually amazed by the profound and rapid results they receive from these simple methods.

John’s social media following of over 500,000 people find his practical techniques highly effective at relieving stress and pain. Let me know if you got this and if you need anything else besides my paper.


Sara McRae - Beyond the Balance: Wisdom Gained & Truths Revealed
April 2, 10:00-11:20AM

This presentation offers a unique perspective from a practitioner who has focused solely on Touch For Health for over a decade—personally through dedicated self-balancing and receiving balances for personal growth, and professionally through private practice, teaching, and growing a local TFH community. Attendees will discover how to approach problems as opportunities, trust the simplicity of foundational techniques, and revisit the power of applying principles of self-responsibility. Through personal stories and examples, Sara will inspire participants to deepen their Touch For Health practice and explore the hidden truths that unfold through years of dedicated work. Participants will also have the chance to share their own experiences and wisdom with the group, creating a collaborative learning environment.

About the Speaker 

Sara McRae is the founder of Zenbrio School of Energy Kinesiology in Eugene, Oregon. She has been exclusively practicing and teaching Touch for Health (TFH) since 2015. Sara’s deep focus on TFH, without venturing into other modalities, has allowed her to hone her expertise and develop a unique approach. Over the years, she has gained insights into the deeper truths of TFH, self-responsibility, and personal growth, which she shares with her students and clients. Sara specializes in helping people understand and embody the principles of TFH as a way of life, community, and healing practice.



Jacque Mooney - Leaping Forward from TFH

April 4, 10:00-11:20AM


Swami Om - Tools at Your Fingertips

April 3, 11:30AM-12:00PM

I will be speaking about the story of my life and how using the information I have discovered from Energy kinesiology has contributed to making my life more wonderful. I will also be demonstrating some of the moves from brain gym that I love and I reactor pattern and I have discovered. I will also demonstrate how to make class fun. I am going to demonstrate the Meridian massage with a little pizzazz.  I am a perfect example of what it says in the book  that the more balanced, we are the more we will attract people places and things into our lives to help us reach our goals

About the Speaker

Swami is the founder of Swami’s healing arts in Kealakekua Hawaii. She is a Hawaiian.

Lomilomi massage therapist and Energy kinesiologist.  She combines TFH balancing with Massage.

She is celebrating this year of 40 years of doing Lomilomi massage. She opened her first studio in 1991.  Swami learned about brain gym that same year and began trading massages for balances with Dr. Carla Hannaford, who studied with Paul Denison. She was so amazed by the results that she went on to become a brain gym teacher. After she dropped that, she became a TFH teacher. Swami also teaches Lomilomi massage.

She is also known as Swami mommy queen of the garbage. She has taught thousands of people both young and old to recycle. She was key in implementing the start of recycle Hawaii. And she spent many hours at the dump getting signatures to pass the bottle bill.

When she is not doing treatment she spends her time doing chi gong and creating healthy food using Hawaiian staples like kalo (taro) & ulu (Breadfruit).  Besides assisting people to get pain-free she has also helped many people to learn what foods are working for them.




Kendall Salzman - Working with Attachment

April 3, 9:00-9:50AM

Not all romances beginning with stary-eyed lovers, end with happily ever after. Unless you count learning how to love yourself first, as this kind of outcome. What does self-love have to do with attachment, and spiritual growth? The development of attachment spanning the range between 8 to 18 months, could be understood as a critical period of deep, unconscious conditioning, where we learn how to construct a self-identity through relationship with our caregiver. The quality of this experience is directly linked with mental health outcomes in adulthood, such as anxiety and depression, drug addiction, relationship success, the duration and tendency to develop PTSD after a traumatic incident… among others. When you consider the impact of psychology on wellbeing, our attachment experience has serious implications, and over 50% of Western populations did not develop a secure attachment. In my presentation I will look at how relational factors between caregiver and infant effect the construction of a self-identity, and how this impacts the personal challenges someone could have with their health and spiritual growth.

About the Speaker

Kendall Salzman brings an extensive background to her offerings as a practitioner and a trainer of mind-body medicine. She gained her Diploma of Kinesiology from the Neuroenergetic Kinesiology Institute and has worked as a trainer for the last 10 years.

With a passion for understanding health and wellbeing in a rapidly expanding field, she continued to completed a Bachelor of Psychological Science with Honours in 2020. Her research article was published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition in 2023. Recently she completed a Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis.

Kendall currently works in private practice seeing kinesiology and clinical hypnosis clients while also training students at the Neuroenergetic Kinesiology Institute. Her passion is to empower people in caring roles to deeply know their courage and compassion.


Hugo Tobar - Emotions in the Body
April 2, 2:00-3:50PM

Over the years I have developed a model for how emotions are stored in the body. In this model we have things like suppressed emotion in the muscles and unconscious emotion in the bones and teeth.  Another important aspect of emotions is the energy state. Emotions are a reflection of imbalances in our energy anatomy and vice versa, therefore it is important to consider if the imbalance state is under or over energy. Here I will show how to work with the 5 Elements to find imbalance states and their corresponding emotions in the elements and their cycles.

About the Speaker 

Since 1998, Hugo has developed 112 courses (88 still currently taught) and authored 132 Kinesiology publications. He has taught over 30,000 hours of Kinesiology throughout Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. He has presented at 48 major Kinesiology conferences across Australia, Europe, Canada, Japan, the UK and America. Almost two decades on, he continues to develop exciting new material and is showing no signs of slowing down.


Alice Thie Viera - 50 Years of Synchronicity in TFH

April 5, 3:00-3:50PM

Do you ever wonder what it was like in the early days of Applied Kinesiology and TFH when John Thie first began sharing the techniques of TFH through his book Touch for Health? Are you curious how so many “streams” and programs of Energy Kinesiology and Energy Psychology have grown out of AK and TFH, and how this vast arena of information can be integrated into your life healing and practice? Have you ever wondered about integrating Chakras into your TFH practice? Would you like to learn a new skill that you can immediately put into practice using the Chakras that Alice Thie Vieira has recently found miraculous in her own life?

During this 1-hour Masterclass you will enjoy some anecdotes from the early days of TFH which illustrate how TFH and Energetic Kinesiology/Psychology have evolved, grown and developed over the last 50 years. You will also gain insight from practical examples of how diverse Psychology and Kinesiology concepts and techniques have been integrated into a Clinical Psychology practice. Finally you will learn a technique of combining TFH & Chakras that you can immediately put into practice with potentially miraculous results.

About the Speaker 

Dr. Thie Vieira has been in private practice as a clinical psychologist and Energy Psychologist since the early 80’s. Dr. Viera integrates her brother’s TFH techniques, as well as extensive Energy Kinesiology/ Energy Psychology, into her practice of adult individual and group psychotherapy. She was an early Director of the Touch for Health Foundation, and one of the early pioneers who taught TFH in Australia, sponsored by Applied Kinesiology doctors across the country. Her journey of counseling and healing includes many miracles for herself and her clients and her self-discovery and development of her practice continues to this day.


The Touch for Health Kinesiology Association has been hosting an Annual Conference since 1975

This yearly event was established to provide the TFH community an opportunity to get together for support, education, and to foster the growth of Touch for Health Kinesiology across the globe.

3 Great Reasons to Mark Your Calendar and Plan to Attend the 2025 Annual TFHKA Conference


Presenters at the TFHKA conference are leaders in the field of Kinesiology and Wellness

Presenters have years of hands-on, practical experience working with clients, teaching, and providing education for using muscle monitoring, Touch for Health Kinesiology, and other associated modalities to balance the body and enhance health.


Information and Education shared at TFHKA Conferences is applicable to all levels of experience

Whether you are a student that’s new to Touch for Health and energy balancing, or you are a TFH Instructor with years of practical experience doing and teaching Touch for Health, the opportunity to learn, grow, and share together at the Annual TFHKA Conference is priceless.


There is no better place than the TFHKA Annual Conference to be surround by positive, like-minded people who are enthusiastic about improving health on all levels thru energy balancing.

Attendees are eager to continue enhancing our skills and empowering ourselves, our friends, our families, and our communities, to use Touch for Health and other energy balancing modalities for self-care and wellness of mind, body, and spirit.

Touch For Health Kinesiology Association graphic with blue hands holding the earth

With a strong emphasis on Touch for Health, the Annual TFHKA Conference provides both members and non-members the chance to continue learning and enhancing their skills for energy balancing.

Key Benefits of Attending the TFHKA Annual Conference include:

  • Improve Your Skills
  • Elevate Your Expertise
  • Boost Your Confidence
  • Gain Insights to Grow Your Practice
  • Build a Network to Support Your Business
  • Develop Friendships within the TFHKA Community that Will Last a Lifetime

The Touch for Health Kinesiology Association’s aim is to inspire, encourage, and grow Touch for Health Kinesiology, and energy balancing as an important resource for self-care, and improved well-being.  The Annual TFHKA Conference provides an excellent opportunity to support and nurture this goal.  

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