TFHKA Balance Buddies Program

Building Strong and Confident Balancing Skills with Touch for Health Kinesiology
The best way to improve your Touch for Health balancing skills is to give and receive balances.
But it can be intimidating for some people fresh out of class to feel confident to recruit friends and family members (who know nothing about Touch for Health) and dive in. Sure, some of you are super-confident to jump in the deep end. But others need a little help “dipping their toes in the water” to get started.
It might be a little easier to keep practicing with other people who know TFH (or are students, just like you) so that you can work thru the learning process together, by practicing giving and receiving balances
Or maybe you are a seasoned TFH Pro, or TFH Teacher, and it seems you are always so busy helping everybody else, that you don’t get as many balances as you give… Scheduling time occasionally with a Balancing Buddy, can help you with self-care!

Benefits of Reaching Out to Request a Balance Buddy Session
- Network with members in the TFHKA community to give and receive balances.
- It’s free! When you commit to scheduling with someone for a Balance Buddy Session, it’s understood that you will both block off an appropriate amount of time to be able to balance each other.
- Post a request for a Balance Buddy session as often as you’d like.
- You don’t have to have just ONE buddy… Practicing with different people, who have different levels of experience can help boost your confidence (and help you make more new friends in the TFHKA Community!)
- If you’re lucky, there may be other TFHKA members, (or students) in your local area to be able to schedule in-person Balance Buddy sessions.
- But since so much more is happening via Virtual Training, you may also benefit from scheduling online balancing sessions together.

Post Your Request
Just log in and fill out the form!

Search for Partners
Make contact with another practitioner!

Once You’ve Connected with a Balance Buddy:
Once you’ve connected with a Balance Buddy and scheduled your balancing session together, please log-in and de-activate your request. When you are ready for another BB session, create a new post, with the new information for the type of balance you’d like to give and receive.
This will keep our Balance Buddies Board open with Active requests to make it easier for everyone to see who is still seeking balance partners to practice with.
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