About / Governance / Dawn Maxwell
Dawn Maxwell
TFHKA Treasurer

Dawn began her journey into natural health in 2008 after one of her children
spent a year with unexplained illness and failure to thrive. After spending 2
months of visits with a Naturopath, her boy was running around again and she
knew she had a desire to be part of holistic healing. She started taking Touch
For Health and BodyTalk classes in 2014 and never looked back! She is now a
Touch For Health Instructor and finds joy in educating others on the benefits of
specialized kinesiology as well as other modalities. She is fascinated with the
human body! Her passion is to help her clients discover their healing path,
achieve goals and bring hope and joy back into their lives. Using muscle testing
as a method of biofeedback, as well as a strong intuition, she identifies
imbalances in the body’s energy system and activates the body’s own innate
healing processes so that the body can better heal itself. She works with each
client to find balance in the “whole” person, emotionally, mentally, physically
and spiritually. A balancing session is designed for her client to feel safe,
relaxed, heard and loved, clearing the way to move past physical and emotional

Dawn is married and has four children. She and her husband relocated to the
majestic mountains of Kamiah, Idaho from Boise, Idaho in early 2022 after their
last young man left home. She is thrilled to be in Kamiah and hopes to make a
difference in the community she now calls home.

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