Mari Crutchfield is our designated “webmaster.” If you’ve placed an order for books and supplies from the TFHKA online store, or put in a request to advertise an upcoming Touch for Health class you’re teaching on the TFHKA website, or are in the process of completing your instructor post-class duties to turn in participant rosters, and get certificates and CE documents, Mari is the amazing person we have for member-support to get these tasks done. As an Independent Contractor, Mari is an integral part of our “behind the scenes” support team. She is quick to take care of getting you the help needed with these tasks, and assists the board as needed with other membership-related projects. It’s a blessing to have such a caring, amazing detail-oriented person helping us oversee this important part of TFHKA business with customer/instructor/member services.
About / Governance / Mari Crutchfield
Mari Crutchfield
Product Orders and Instructor/Member Support