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In Memoriam: Honoring and Celebrating the Lives of Kinesiologists and their Contributions to the Field

by | Apr 28, 2023 | In Memoriam | 2 comments

It seems like our form of alternative healthcare is young and many of the discoveries were made relatively recently in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. This revolution in alternative healthcare was led by an incredibility talented and dedicated group that shared their gifts and knowledge with us and the world. While it seems many of the discoveries were recent, those that made many of these discoveries are now aging and have or are starting to pass.

TFHKA member and 2022 TFHKA Conference Chair, Jan Cole, asked me to create In Memoriam, a digital memorial for these leaders and friends so that we can all honor their lives and their contributions to our field. Sadly, this grand effort will continue to be added to over the years. Hopefully, we have remembered those that were close to Touch for Health and the TFKKA organization through conference attendance and or presentations at our annual conferences. My wife, Gail, assisted me while Jan provided photos, dates, and bio information. Please send us any corrections, updates, or additions that you have. Hopefully, in the future, there will time in our conference programs when this video can be played each year so that our memories are refreshed, and our gratitude expressed.

One interesting side project is featured at the end of the In Memoriam video which began over 20 years ago when we were training with Dr. Thie in Malibu. I was chatting with John over a meal about where we were born and grew up, etc. I said that I had been born in Detroit and Dr. Thie replied, “So was I.” I had always thought he was a Californian! Over the years, I have found addresses and started putting them on a map. Interestingly, George Goodheart, John Thie, Wally Schmitt, and I, were all born within an area about 10 minutes apart, albeit, in different generations. Then, I discovered that Richard Utt and Darcy Lewis were born just up the road in Flint and then at the 2022 conference, Judy Levin told me that she was also born in Detroit! This is another ongoing project that has been fun. Some people have replied when hearing this, “It must be something in the water!” I reply, “When the state is shaped like a hand and surrounded by the largest bodies of fresh water on Earth, maybe so.”

In touch,

Earl Cook

About this Article’s Author:

Earl Cook and his wife, Gail, were first introduced to Touch for Health in 1976 and Earl started writing the eTouch for Health software in 1986. eTouch first shipped in 2001and is now being used in homes, clinics, spas, and schools in over 85 countries. Earl became an instructor in 2005 and received the 2010 IKC John Thie Award and was also TFHKA Instructor of the Year 2016-17. He has also discovered several alternative techniques (eHum and the Plantars/Dorsals) that he has developed products and courses around these techniques that he teaches online and in person. For more information, see:


  1. Arlene Green

    Very nicely done Jan and Earl! A nice remembrance of many key contributors and friends who built and expanded our field. Thank you.

  2. Alison Zeidler

    Thank you, what a lovely tribute.


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